Collection: Riflessi and Risonanze

Shape, color, luster, gold and platinum. Precious elements and materials for a collection of unique works.

The first artefacts in this collection date back to 1983 and are obtained by applying the silver nitrate and bismuth lustre technique to obtain an iridescent effect. The lustre is then distributed over more or less extensive areas or over the entire glazed surface of the object, creating an iridescent luminosity. The precious metals (gold and/or platinum) distributed over small areas and in the threads participate in the decorative play and in the reflective power already amplified by the “lustre” compared to that of the base enamel fired in a second firing.

An alternation of reflections and resonances that make artisanal ceramics precious.

We move from the warm reflections of gold to the cold ones of platinum. The resonances are instead given by the colors and precious metals.

A duel between rigorous technique and whimsical whims.

Finally, a little curiosity…

The technique used is, most likely, the one that least promises certain and predictable results. It is a third firing that is carried out on finished pieces and it is not always easy to identify the softening interval (which serves to incorporate and anchor the metal particles to the surface and must be neither too much nor too little) and the speed of consolidation in the descent of the degrees of the glass coating. Furthermore, in our kilns the quality of the gas and the relative firing pressure is a variable that is not completely manageable, as is the reliability of the pyrometer and the cones.